Grab the Nearest Protagonist

Right now, I’m in the middle of a play. Not in the middle of writing one. I’m IN a play, physically. Who’s it about, who’s the protagonist?

What makes a “protagonist” anyway? Continue reading


Filed under, learning.about.things

“Brigadoom”… and 30 Neo-Futurist plays in 6 Neo-Futurist months.

What does today’s Scottish Independence vote have to do with the most surprising year of my artistic life? Continue reading

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Filed under,, edinburgh.fringe.2014,, script.posted, sf.neofuturists

Picking a pic for “Take Me Home: a One-Woman Odyssey”

It turns out that nothing makes a show feel more real in pre-production than press photos. Like, once you have committed your face to film, it’s HAPPENING. Continue reading


Filed under, edinburgh.fringe.2014,,

I’ll be an honoree at the Blushing Orchid Ball!

On June 8th, I’ll be an honoree at the “Blushing Orchid Ball” thrown by Theatre Bay Area. What a treat!

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Filed under miscellany

Huffington Post calls me a “highly engaging raconteur”

Over at the Huffington Post, George Heymont posted a review of my first public preview of “A Totally Epic Odyssey.”  After watching my solo adaptation of Homer’s poem about life, monsters, and the search for home, he calls me: Continue reading

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Filed under miscellany

I’m Profiled in Theater Bay Area Magazine!

TBA_keepaneyeonHey, lookit! I’m profiled in the Sept-Oct 2013 issue of Theater Bay Area Magazine!

I couldn’t be more pleased with Lily’s Janiak’s article about me; she manages to make actual coherent sense out of my life and work, which is no small feat.  Someone should give that woman a medal.

Opening line: “Since she emerged on the Bay Area theatre scene in 2008, playwright Megan Cohen has been an artist of both quality and quantity.”

Aw, shucks. (Little ol’ me?) You’re making me blush. (Don’t stop.)

xoxo -Megan

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Filed under,, internet.famous

HELEN press and process roundup! Hot Trojan-War Performance-Installation Media-Blitz Life-Lesson Action!

So, the two-weekend workshop of The Helen Project all the way back in May got some really sweet press, which I never posted here. D’oh! How silly is that? Pretty silly, yes? What should I do about it? Oh, I could go ahead and post those quotes now? Okay! Also, how did the workshop go, and what happened with the two different editions? Oh, I’d better lay that out too, because the second weekend was bananas, and taught me the kind of “valuable lesson” one might hear in voiceover at the end of an afterschool special! Continue reading

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Filed under,, helen.of.troy, hella.avant.garde, learning.about.things,,

The Last Beer In The World: My Epic Grail Quest in 10 Minutes, for Free, in a Bar!

Charles Lewis III as noble knight Sir DrinksALot in "The Last Beer in the World." Photo: Karen Offerins.

Charles Lewis III as noble knight Sir DrinksALot in “The Last Beer in the World.” Photo: Karen Offerins.

So, if this fabulous photo of Charles Lewis III as the noble knight Sir DrinksALot is not enough to convince you to come to see a free theater festival in a bar, I don’t know what would be.

The fact that my piece in the show is inspired by “Adventure Time,” “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” and “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” perhaps? Continue reading

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