I’m co-hosting the first SATURDAY WRITE FEVER on March 23, save the date!

A fun writing and performance party that creates a one-night-only, on-the-spot instant theater festival?
You’re invited, either to participate and artmake with us or watch the madness ensue?
It’s free?
You can order a champage cocktail at the bar for a reasonable price?
You can also get a cheap beer?
Say what?
Say uh-huh.
I’m super-excited to announce the launch of SATURDAY WRITE FEVER.

SATURDAY WRITE FEVERThe night will be social, creative, collaborative.  Come to an 8:30 mixer followed by a 9:00 writing sprint where any brave writers in the house have 30 minutes to generate original monologues based around that night’s pre-selected subjects. We cast actors from the crowd, then at 9:30, they perform the work on stage in the café for an on-the-spot, one-night-only instant new works theater festival!

If you’re a writer or actor working in San Francisco, or you just want to make (or see) something cool on a Saturday night, there’s no barrier to entry; just show up and join us for this indie theater collaboration.  You can come alone to meet cool people, or come on a date with a honey who you want to impress with your artsyness.

Stuart Bousel and I are really excited to be co-founders and co-hosts for this event, which is supported by co-producers The San Francisco Theater Pub and The Exit Theater.

8:30pm, March 23rd at the Exit Theater Café, 156 Eddy St, San Francisco, CA.  It’s the first one.  Come see how it goes, nobody knows yet, but I think it’s going to be really fun.  It sounds fun, right?  Here’s the Facebook Event Page, RSVP if you want or just show up.  Tell your friends.

–xoxo Megan

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Filed under about.me, exit.theater, lets.get.started, san.francisco.theater.pub, saturday.write.fever

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