My Interview in the SF Chronicle on August Strindberg’s “Miss Julie”

“Comedies are the stories of people who survive and live to make another set of mistakes.” -me in the SF Chronicle, Aug 12 2019

To mark the fact that two companies in the SF Bay Area are tackling reimagined versions of Strindberg’s “Miss Julie” this year (Cutting Ball Theater, which commissioned my new version, and Poltergeist Theater, a newly-launched indie company where the performers created and directed their own show), we’re all in the paper!

Lily Janiak from the San Francisco Chronicle did a group interview this week with me, Ariel Craft (AD of Cutting Ball and director of my script), and the founders of Poltergeist about what it means to rethink August Strindberg’s classic.

Read the full article “FIXING A MASTERPIECE” here.

It’s an honor to be able to share some of the tactics and strategies that Ariel and I have hit on while developing my script “FREE FOR ALL: A New Miss Julie for a New World” which will premiere Sept-Oct in SF.

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